+91 98102-09611 varun_doc@yahoo.co.in
Patel Superspeciality Hospital
Pawan Hospital - A Superspeciality Centre

Breath test/ Capsule endoscopy

About Breath test/ Capsule endoscopy

The breath test is another technologically advanced non-invasive way of diagnosing the number of conditions in the human body. Measurement of the number of gases present in our body through breath test help experts conclude a lot about our bodily conditions. The capsule endoscope is a procedure that uses a tiny wireless camera to capture pictures of the digestive tract. It comes with the advantage of enabling the inside vision of the small intestine, which otherwise is not possible or involves a painful process of passing a long, flexible tube equipped with a video camera down the throat or through the rectum.

Procedure of Endoscopy

It needs the person to wear a recording device on the waist throughout the process when the capsule camera moves in the gut. Applying electrode patches to the skin, chest, or abdomen may be required depending on the device. Experts will ask the person to swallow the pill-sized capsule with water and continue with daily activities for a few hours. The doctor will tell the person about the gap time person should maintain before eating or drinking anything. A person need not involve in any strenuous activity and avoid swimming, bathing, or coming in contact with water. 

After the Procedure

After the procedure is over person needs to return to the medical centre to remove the electrodes or recording device. Experts transfer Images from the recording device to the screen and visualize them to study the internal parts of the digestive system correctly and in a detailed manner. Depending on the bowel system capsule may take a day or two to pass through. They are disposable and can be flushed through. However, if you notice the endoscopic capsule did not pass for a few days consult the experts. They may recommend an imaging test that will help to find the location of the capsule.

Preparing for Endoscopy

Opt more for a liquid diet before the procedure. Clear the gastrointestinal tract by taking laxatives as it adds to the clarity of the pictures. Avoid eating or drinking anything a few hours before the procedure. Consult with experts about the allergies, medications, or other medical procedures you have undergone before.

Why do experts suggest capsule endoscopy?

  • It helps experts find the cause of gastrointestinal bleeding.
  • It reveals the area of inflammation traces the tumours in the small intestine.
  • It helps study the immune reaction to eating gluten and diagnose celiac disease.
  • It is an additional diagnostic tool when imaging tests do not trace the conclusive factors for disease occurrence.