There is little that medicines can do for fatty liver management. Instead, there is a need to address different causes of fatty liver and control the same thorough treatment procedures. An overweight person may need the medicines to control weight or follow a strict diet manual that helps control weight gain. High blood sugar level also contributes to fatty liver. Depending on the type person must take the prescriptions by experts that help control sugar levels in the blood. Low cholesterol levels also help to fight liver fat disease. There is not a single medicine available that can help reverse fatty liver. But yes, lifestyle changes can help reverse most stages of fatty liver disease. No medicine will bring out a fruitful result if a person does not manage and control his unhealthy eating habits. There is a need to regulate an unhealthy diet high in fats, calories, salt, and sugar. Limit the consumption of alcohol to see further improvements in reversing fatty liver disease.
Fatty liver does not have any symptoms unless it progresses to cirrhosis of the liver. However, if you experience abdominal pain or have the sensation of fullness in the upper right side of the abdomen, experience weight loss or nausea, to name a few, you must visit an expert.
Stage1 begins with the building up of simple fatty liver with excess fats.
Stage 2 Steatohepatitis is when you start experiencing inflammation in the liver.
Stage 3 Fibrosis persistent inflammation starts causing scarring and affects liver functioning slowly and steadily.
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease originates when fat accumulates in the body of people who do not have a high consumption of alcohol. It accompanies inflammation in the liver and if, left untreated, can progress to cirrhosis and liver failure.